Puppies part 13

Lots of things have happened since last week. More people are coming to see the puppies and that is good for them. Good to meet different people. I also had to do the second puppie test by myself since I couldn´t find anyone to help. Spite all the work that there is (6 different tasks […]

Puppies part 12 Porträtt

Nu har jag äntligen några fina bilder på var och en av valparna. Tack Lena för att du tog dig tid att fota de små. Här har ni att njuta av. Damerna först 😉 Rosa, Röd, Orange och Vinröd Herrarna Blå,Grön, Gul, Lila och Svart                

Puppies part 11 Grand opening!

The gang is today 5 weeks and they had a nice present – first time outdoor and YES, they liked it!!! More people are coming tonight, tomorrow the first puppy test will take place! IMG_1944 IMG_1945 IMG_1947 IMG_1950 It looks like they are going to be  good in coordination …:)